Friday, August 12, 2016

Texas Senate Education Committee Hearing ~ Alice Linahan Testimony

The video below shows what NEXT GENERATION TESTING will look like for our children.  Alice Linahan goes into great detail with examples from a classroom.  

She is the Author of " A Parent's Guide Through Your Child's #1 Threat"  

This video is not only shocking but made me as a parent down right furious.  

Alice posted on Aug 8, 2016 the following.

"As Moms and Dads, we need to step back and start asking ourselves a couple of questions…

1. Can we accept an educational program as a truly solid academic education that will serve our children and their futures well, if our children graduate from high school or college with the attitudes, values, beliefs, behaviors, and a worldview that we oppose, which has been presented by teachers trained to believe it is their responsibility to be the devil’s advocate, and who teach our children to question and even oppose the foundational beliefs of our families?

2. Is it more important for our children to receive college credits in high school, or more important to establish and protect their minds and souls?

3. If your child graduates from college and attains a great, high paying job, but no longer respects – much less believes – that they are worthy of a strong marriage, a free and prosperous country, and that by the grace of God anything is possible – have we done our best to give our children a strong foundation for a happy, joy filled life?

Over three years ago, I began the journey of uncovering the facts behind what and how my children were being taught in their local public school. At the time, I had no idea the magnitude of what I was actually jumping into. Now, after working with so many amazing, everyday people who are much like myself (moms, dads, grandparents, and taxpayers) to uncover the facts, I now understand more clearly the roots behind the fundamental transformation in education, and the goals of those behind it, as stated by them."

Parent I urge you to share this video.  This is not only coming to our public schools; but it is here.  

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Anita Hoge exposes Psychological Profiling, Unique Nat'l ID's and Common Core

In a world where we go to drastic measures to protect our identity why would it be OK for our children's identity to be accessed, shared and profiled. 

Anita Hoge has researched state and Federal contracts and her findings are alarming.  
"Social, Emotional, Behavioral Data is collected at school and entered into state longitudinal data warehouses accessed by 3rd party data miners. Psychological dossiers are created in fed NCES/IES DATABANKS. Interventions into personalities toward gov't group think ideology is accomplished through accountability. Response to Intervention and Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports are the constant remediation feedback loop legislated through ESEA, Title I and IDEA, SPECIAL EDUCATION FUNDING. #StopESEA "

Wednesday, August 3, 2016


The SBOE (State Board of Education) has recommended keeping the STAAR and adding on more Assessments.  We are hearing terms such as Next Generation, Personalized or Individualized Learning.  In Layman's terms what this simply means is less time for teachers to teach in the classroom and more time our children will spending testing.  The purposed will be spent behind a computer screen.  Below is a letter by a teacher to the chair of the Commission on Next Generation Assessments and Accountability, asking him for information about the Commission's recommendation for online testing. 

I am a high school English teacher (starting year 18 soon) and a mother of two Texas public school children. I will be finishing my PhD in Curriculum and Instruction in December. I have been involved in intensive research on high-stakes testing, testing vendors, and federal and state testing and accountability legislation.
I watched the proceedings of the Commission with interest. I have reviewed the draft of the Commission's recommendations, and I am hoping you could answer some questions that I have about one of the main recommendations.
The draft recommendation 1 states "Implement an individualized, integrated system of multiple assessments using computerized adaptive testing and instruction. To provide useful, realtime feedback to educators, parents, and students, the commission recommends implementing a computer adaptive assessment system of multiple integrated assessments that are administered throughout the school year to measure individual student performance and growth. This system would replace the current STAAR assessment program."
I am wondering the following:
Which testing vendor(s) is/are slated to provide these assessments?
Which software will be used for the assessments?
Who writes the software, and where does the information come from?
Are any teachers involved in the writing of these online assessments?
What evidence supports that moving to online assessments is an effective method for the education of our public school children?
How many assessments will students be required to take, and in which grades will these assessments take place?
How long will the assessments last?
How will the summed scores of these assessments be used for accountability purposes?
How will the summed scores of these assessments be used to impact the future of each child taking them (grade retention/promotion, etc.)?
As a parent who is well informed about public education, the history of high-stakes testing in this state and the nation, and the role that Pearson/Gates play in influencing legislative decisions impacting public education, these very important questions must be answered. I speak for many concerned parents, grandparents, students, and citizens of this state who are not on board for this recommendation. We don't want our children taking more assessments; in fact, we have been fighting to limit the high-stakes nature of the current system.
Thank you so much for your time and attention to this email.
Jennifer Rumsey
Texas public school parent
Texas educator